
A well-documented Emergency Action Plan can be a valuable tool to reduce the impact of an emergency on your operation. A thorough analysis and description of your individual operation and sites, careful planning for each possible emergency scenario, and ongoing maintenance and training before an emergency are all critical steps to effectively handle an emergency situation.

We will walk you through the process of building a customized Emergency Action Plan. Complete the information in each field provided to create a customized plan for your operation. When you have completed your Emergency Action Plan, you will have the opportunity to print a hard copy (or copies) and to save an electronic copy of it as well.

Thorough training for every employee or person involved with your operation is an essential part of emergency planning and should be implemented as soon as you have completed your customized plan. To comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, an employer must have a printed copy of an emergency action plan readily accessible to all employees. If 10 employees or less are employed, the emergency plan can be reviewed orally.

Drafting an emergency action plan (EAP) is not enough to ensure the safety of your employees. When an evacuation is necessary, you will need responsible, trained individuals who can supervise and coordinate activities to ensure a safe and successful evacuation. An EAP will be useful only if its content is up to date and employees are sufficiently educated and trained before an actual evacuation. The following sections will help you successfully develop and implement your plan:

* Development of an emergency action plan
* Authority
* Employee training and plan review
* Plan review, coordination, and update

During development and implementation of your draft plan, think about all possible emergency situations and evaluate your workplace to see if it complies with OSHA’s emergency standards.

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